
Tips for a Successful Interview

Interview is an integral part of everyone’s life. Each and every person has faced an interview at some point of time whether formal or informal like viva in colleges, school/college admission, making new friends etc. Today we are going to talk about the things you can...
Adapter Design Pattern In Java

Adapter Design Pattern In Java

Introduction : It merely “converts the interface of a class into another interface that a client wants,” according to an adapter pattern. Stated otherwise, to use a class with a different interface’s services while providing an interface that meets...
Autowiring in Spring Boot

Autowiring in Spring Boot

Spring Boot is the modern father of Java development, acting as one of the most simplified tools in creating robust and scalable applications. Then it would go on to include one of its pivotal features: autowiring.  Basically, the working of autowiring is directed at...

Data Modelling Questions and Answers

1. What we mean by data modelling? Data modeling is simply the process of schematically drawing information flows. While building a totally new or commerce database structure, the designer starts off with a diagram showing how information will flow in and out of the...