  1. What is AWS?
    AWS is an Amazon Web Service. It’s a cloud computing platform. Provides on-demand virtual IT Infrastructure.
  2.  Mention components of AWS.
    The main components of AWS are:
     Simple Storage Service: – Simple Storage Service (S3). It’s an object storage. We can store an unlimited amount of data in S3. Data is highly durable and available. Need to save data in the bucket. The bucket name should be unique. Single file size can be 0 kb to 5 Tb.
     Elastic Compute Cloud: – It’s a resizable computing service provided by AWS. We can create Linux and Windows EC2 instances.
     Elastic Block Store: – It’s a persistent block storage for EC2 instances. It’s highly durable and available. It is nothing but a hard disk for the EC2 instance
     CloudWatch: – CloudWatch is used to Monitor AWS resources
     Identity Access Management: – It is an AWS service for managing Users,
    Groups, Policies and Roles.
     Simple Email Service: – SMS provides Email service.
     Route53: – It’s a DNS service of AWS. It is used for Name Resolution. It is a highly available and scalable service. The name Route53 (DNS port number is 53)
  3.  What are Key-pairs?
    Key-pair contains a public key and a private key. Key-pair is used for securely connecting users to the EC2 instance. The public key is stored on the EC2 instance (it locks the EC2 instance), and the private key is on the user machine (can authenticate to the EC2 instance)
  4.  What are the pricing models for EC2 instances?
    EC2 instances pricing models are:
     On-Demand instance
    Default model used for instance purchase. This is the costliest instance type.
     Reserved instance
    Need to reserve compute capacity for a 1- or 3-year period. Will get
    a discount of up to 75% compared to On-Demand.
     Spot instance
    It is used to sell unused computing capacity and is available at a discounted
    rate of up to 90%. But we can use it only for testing
     DedicatedHosts
    It is a physical EC2 server which is dedicated for your use. It helps to
    fulfil compliance requirements and Use your OEM licenses.
  5.  What is AWS Lambda?
    AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service. We can run our code without managing servers. Lambda is a Function as a Service (FaaS) Model. Lambda gets triggered whenever required. We need to pay only when your code is running.
  6.  How many buckets can be created in S3?
    By default, we can create 100 buckets in a single AWS account.
  7.  Explain S3 Cross Region Replication.
    We can replicate the bucket to another region using S3 Cross Region Replication. Here we require two buckets Source bucket and Destination bucket. Both should belong to a different region
  8.  What are Regions and Availability Zones in AWS?
    Regions: – A region is a geographical location where infrastructure is placed. Which will consist of 2 or more AZs. A region is a collection of data centres which are completely isolated from other regions.
    Availability zones: The availability zone is the Data centres within the region. AWS says it will maintain min 2 AZ per region. However, it is observed that AWS maintain min 3 or more AZs per region.
  9. 9) What are edge locations in aws?
    These are the mini data centres in AWS used for caching content. It is helpful in CDN configuration. We can not deploy any services there.
  10. 10) What is the minimum and maximum size that you can store in S3?
    The minimum size of an object in S3 is 0 bytes and the maximum size of a will
    be 5TB
  11. 11) What are EBS Volumes?
    EBS is block storage for EC2 instances. And its persistent storage. EBS gets automatically replicated within the availability zone. It gives high durability, availability, and low-latency performance
  12. 12) What is AMI?
    AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image. It is an image of an existing server. We can deploy new Instances from customized images. We can create customized images of our application server running on AWS. Mostly used for Autoscaling
  13. 13) Can we share AMI?
    Yes, an AMI can be shared.
  14. 14) What is an EIP?
    An elastic IP address is nothing IP address. If we attached EIP to the EC2 instance.
    The public IP remains the same after reboot. If we don’t assign EIP to the instance then when the instance gets restarted, then AWS takes another public IP address from the pool and the previous public IP address is no longer valid.
  15. 15) How can you secure the access to your S3 bucket?
    We can secure an S3 bucket in two ways:
    ACL(access control list)
  16. 16) What is the default storage class in S3?
    The default storage class is the S3 Standard Storage class. It is the costliest storage
    class than all others
  17. 17) Difference between Stopping and Terminating the instances?
     Stopping the EC2 instance means shutting down the instance. We can start the instance in future. If EIP is not assigned, then Public IP will be changed.
     Terminating the EC2 instance means deleting it.
  18. 18) How many Elastic IPs can you create?
    We can create 5 elastic IPs per region.
  19. 19) Differences between Amazon S3 and EC2?
    S3: – It’s an object storage provided by AWS. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service.
    EC2: – It’s a Compute service of AWS. It is nothing but a virtual machine.
  20. 20) How to create a VPC peering connection between VPC in a different
    We can not establish VPC peering in VPC in different regions. We can establish VPC peering between VPCs in the same region.
  21. 21) How many subnets can you have per VPC?
    You can have 200 subnets per VPC.
  22. 22) When was EC2 officially launched?
    EC2 was officially launched in 2006.
  23. 23) What is Amazon Elasticache?
    An Elasticache is an in-memory cache in the cloud. Using Elastic cache service, We can easily deploy, operate, and scale in-memory cache.
  24. 24) How to connect EBS volume to multiple instances?
    We cannot connect a single EBS volume to multiple EC2 instances. But we can connect multiple EBS volumes to a single instance.
  25. 25)What is EFS?
    EFS stands for Elastic File System. We can connect a single EFS volume to multiple instances. EFS can automatically grow and shrink when you add or remove files from EFS.

Also, Read This Blog- AWS Lambda vs Elastic Beanstalk

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Amol Shende

AWS Trainer

IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute

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