
Introduction: In the vast landscape of Salesforce development, where possibilities seem endless, there exist certain boundaries known as Governor Limits. These limits, while seemingly restrictive, are crucial for maintaining the stability and performance of the Salesforce platform. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Governor Limits, understanding their significance, how they impact development, and strategies for effectively managing them.

Understanding Governor Limits

Governor Limits are akin to guardrails, preventing developers from overburdening the Salesforce platform with excessive resource consumption. These limits are in place to ensure fair resource allocation among all users and to prevent any single transaction or process from monopolizing resources, which could potentially degrade the performance of the entire system.

Types of Governor Limits

Governor Limits in Salesforce cover various aspects such as CPU time, heap size, DML statements, SOQL queries, and more. Let’s break down a few key types:

  1. CPU Time Limit: Every transaction in Salesforce is allocated a certain amount of CPU time. Once this limit is exceeded, the transaction is halted, preventing it from monopolizing resources. This limit encourages developers to write efficient code and optimize resource usage.
  2. Heap Size Limit: The heap size limit refers to the amount of memory allocated to an Apex transaction. This limit prevents excessive memory consumption, ensuring that the Salesforce platform remains stable and responsive.
  3. DML Statement Limit: DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements such as insert, update, delete, and undelete are subject to limits to prevent abuse and maintain database integrity. These limits encourage developers to batch operations and optimize data manipulation processes.

This following table lists limits for synchronous Apex and asynchronous Apex:

Apex and asynchronous Apex

Impact on Development: Governor Limits play a crucial role in shaping the development process on the Salesforce platform. While they may pose challenges, they also foster best practices and encourage developers to write efficient, scalable code. Understanding and effectively managing Governor Limits is essential for building robust and reliable Salesforce applications.

Strategies for Managing Governor Limits

To navigate Governor Limits effectively, developers can employ several strategies:

  1. Bulkification: Bulkifying code involves processing records in bulk rather than one at a time. By minimizing the number of DML statements and SOQL queries, developers can reduce resource consumption and stay within Governor Limits.
  2. Query Optimization: Optimizing SOQL queries by retrieving only the necessary fields and filtering data at the database level can help reduce query execution time and stay within CPU time limits.
  3. Asynchronous Processing: Offloading long-running or resource-intensive tasks to asynchronous processes such as Batch Apex or Queueable Apex can help avoid hitting Governor Limits during synchronous transactions.


Governor Limits are an integral aspect of Salesforce development, ensuring platform stability and fair resource allocation. While they may present challenges, they also foster best practices and encourage developers to write efficient, scalable code. By understanding the types of Governor Limits, their impact on development, and employing effective management strategies, developers can navigate the Salesforce landscape with confidence and build robust, high-performing applications.

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Author:  Rohit Kumawat

Salesforce Trainer

IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute

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