
Interview is an integral part of everyone’s life. Each and every person has faced an interview at some point of time whether formal or informal like viva in colleges, school/college admission, making new friends etc. Today we are going to talk about the things you can do for giving formal interview. Main purpose of the interview is to assess whether a candidate is suitable for the position he/she has applied for.

Everyone gets nervous before the interview be it freshers or experienced. To help you feel more prepared and confident, here are some important things you can do before, during and after the interview. Let’s check out!

Before the interview:


Company Information:

Read and research about the company you are interviewing for. Information can be found on company’s website, Job portals or renowned websites like LinkedIn etc. Try to get relevant information like year of establishment, CEO or founder of the company, nature of business, size of the company in terms of revenue, number of employees and geographical locations etc.


Know your interviewer:

Most of the times we don’t know who is going to take our interview but if at all we get to know who going to take, then it will become easier for us to give because then we know who that person is. Research about him/her before you go. Visit the profile on professional networking sites like LinkedIn etc.


Evaluate job description:

Go through the job description thoroughly, so that you are aware of the expectations of the company. Job description usually includes things like relevant experience, nature of work, responsibilities and duties etc.


Prepare a list of frequently asked questions:

Prepare a list of frequently asked questions such as “Why should we hire you?”, “Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?” etc.

Make sure you have the relevant answers.


Mock interview:

Do a role play of an interview. Ask any of your friends or family members to take your interview. Practice answering all the questions that you have/had prepared for. You can also record the interview so that it would be helpful.


Men: Wear a formal outfit for the interview. Wear a black formal trouser with a white, blue or pastel shaded shirt. Make sure that your clothes are clean, properly ironed and wrinkle free.

Pair your attire with a mild deodorant or perfume, a pair of black formal shoes, clean socks, and a black belt.

Women: A well-fitted traditional Indian suit is a good option for female candidates. However, avoid wearing a tight-fitted suit with glitter, lace, or animal print.

You can also opt for a simple cotton saree in solid or pastel colours for a formal look.

A dark or pastel coloured pantsuit with light coloured shirt makes for a classy interview dressing. Choose light and pastel shades for shirt/top with minimal print.

Formal women shoes with fairly low-heel look impressive. Go for colours like black, tan, beige, blue, dusky pink, etc.

Organising of documents:

Organise all your documents neatly in a folder. Documents include marksheet of your SSC, HSC, Graduation, Masters, Course certifications, identity proofs, photographs.  Also keep a hard copy of your resume/CV in the folder. Arrange the documents in chronological order.

Interview venue:

Check the venue a day before the interview. Go physically and check the venue to see how far the place is. This will help you familiarize yourself with the area and the building. If you’re using public transportation, check the routes, schedules, and any potential delays. Make sure you know which buses or trains you need to take and their frequencies.

Sound sleep and healthy meal:

Ensure that you have at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep before the interview so that you will give it with a fresh mind. Avoid eating heavy food so that you will not feel dull or lazy.


During the interview



You should reach the location at least 25-30 minutes before the interview so that will give you some time to get freshen up and prepare for the interview.

Body language:

Body language is the most important aspect of the interview. Your posture should be straight, maintain good eye-contact, have a firm handshake with the interviewer, smile occasionally it will boost your confidence, be polite with everyone. Answer all the questions with confidence. In case if you are not able to answer, be honest. Keep your answers short and precise.

Questions to ask the interviewer:

If the interviewer asks “Do you have any questions for us?” then you can ask some basic questions like salary, timings, weekly off, pick & drop facility etc.

Closing the interview:

End the interview by shaking hands with the interviewer and thanking him/her for giving the valuable time and guidance.


After the interview


Post-interview analysis:

After giving the interview, come outside the room and sit at one place. Analyze your answers so that you will get to know how well you gave the interview. Think about how your answers might have been perceived by the interviewer and whether you conveyed your qualifications and enthusiasm effectively.


Inform your references that they might receive a call from the company you interviewed for. Tell them about the position and the other things for which you would like to be recommended for.

Follow Up:


After your interview, send a thank-you letter or email within 24 hours. Include everyone on the interview panel, not just the person at the top. Wait for some days for the company to reply. If you don’t hear anything, then you can drop an email to ask for an update.


Things to avoid:

  1. Don’t be late for the interview. It creates a negative impression.
  2. Don’t show up without a resume.
  3. Don’t keep your mobile on loud when the interview is going on. Keep it on silent mode.
  4. Don’t ask the interviewer any personal questions like “Where do you stay?”, “Are you married?” etc.
  5. Don’t use bad words about your current or previous company/employer.


Following these guidelines will greatly improve your chances of a successful interview.

Hope you found these tips useful.

All the best!

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Author: Priyanka Gandhi

Soft Skills Trainer

IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute

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