The Abstract Factory design pattern in Java is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. This pattern allows you to create objects that are related to each other by a common theme, such as a factory for creating different types of GUI components like buttons, text fields, and menus.
The super-factory that gives rise to additional factories is the center of abstract factory patterns. Another name for this facility is the factory of factories. This kind of design pattern is classified as a creational pattern since it offers one of the most effective methods for producing an object.
An interface in the Abstract Factory design is in charge of building a factory of related objects without specifically defining their classes. According to the Factory pattern, each produced factory can provide the objects.
Components of Abstract Factory Patterns.
1. Abstract Factory
A collection of guidelines for building families of linked objects without defining their specific classes is defined by Abstract Factory, which functions as a high-level blueprint. It defines a number of methods, each in charge of producing a specific kind of object, and makes sure that concrete factories follow a standard interface, making it possible to create connected collections of objects in a consistent manner.
2. Concrete Factories
Concrete Factories carry out the directives provided by the abstract factory. It includes the reasoning behind producing certain examples of things within a family. Additionally, there may be several concrete factories, each designed to provide a unique family of related products.
3. Abstract Products
A family of related items is represented by Abstract Products, which define a set of shared characteristics or operations. It serves as an interface type or abstract that all concrete products in a family must follow and offers a standard method for concrete products to be utilized interchangeably.
4. Concrete Products
These are real-life examples of things made in concrete factories. Their implementation of the methods specified in the abstract products guarantees consistency within a family, and they are part of a particular category or related object family.
5. Client
The client uses abstract products’ abstract interfaces to interact with objects, creating families of items without defining their concrete types through the use of the abstract factory. By altering the concrete factory instance, the client can effortlessly swap between object families, providing them with flexibility.
Example :
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Author: Ambarish Durani
JAVA Trainer
IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute
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