

VPC is a virtual private cloud. It’s a secure, isolated private network on the AWS cloud platform. VPC customers can host different AWS services within VPC Components of VPC Subnets like public and private VPC and subnet CIDR Route table Internet Gateway NAT Gateway....

Java Programming Language Features

The main intention of Java Programming language was to make java programming easy to develop, simple, and secure programming language. To achieve this Java Programming provides us some features with that Java is a more flexible programming language to develop...
Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Guidance

Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam Guidance

The Salesforce Certified Administrator exam is a 105-minute exam of 65 single or multi-select questions. The score to pass is 65% correctly answered questions. The Cost of certification exam is $200 USD to take the exam and $80 to $100 USD to retake it. This is either...