Changing Key Pair of EC2

Changing Key Pair of EC2

In Amazon EC2, require key pair to access it. Key pair consists of a public key and private key. The public key is stored on AWS, while the private key is kept securely on your computer. This pair is used to securely connect to your EC2 instances. We can login to...
Page Layouts in Salesforce

Page Layouts in Salesforce

Among the trending market of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Salesforce stands out as a powerhouse, offering robust solutions for businesses to manage their customer data and interactions. A critical aspect of Salesforce’s flexibility and customization...

DevOps Process Step by Step

DevOps Process is an integrated approach to development and operations. DevOps process helps to automate the software development lifecycle. It focuses on continuous integration, delivery, and improvement, ensuring faster and more reliable software releases. What is...
What is a Visualforce Page Controller

What is a Visualforce Page Controller

Visualforce is one of the powerful framework in Salesforce that allows us to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces that can be hosted natively on the Salesforce platform. Central to leveraging Visualforce’s full potential is understanding and effectively...

What is AWS Cloud Formation

AWS CloudFormation is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enables users to define and provision AWS infrastructure resources in a declarative and automated manner. With CloudFormation, users can create templates,...
Governor Limits in Salesforce

Governor Limits in Salesforce

Introduction: In the vast landscape of Salesforce development, where possibilities seem endless, there exist certain boundaries known as Governor Limits. These limits, while seemingly restrictive, are crucial for maintaining the stability and performance of the...