
1. What is DevOps?

DevOps is a combination of two words, Software development and IT infrastructure. It uses tools and teamwork to get software updates out faster and more reliably.

DevOps Engineer bridges gap between Development team and Infrastructure team.

2.What are the benefits of DevOps?

It helps you release new features quicker, fix problems faster, and make software more reliable.

Ensure timely deliver the product.

Place automation.

Customer oriented approach.

3.What tools are commonly used in DevOps?

Commonly used devops tools are given below

  • Jenkins for CICD pipeline
  • Git and GitHub for version control
  • Docker for Container
  • Kubernetes
  • Build tools like maven and ant
  • Ansible for configuration management
  • Terraform as Cloud provisioning etc

4.What is continuous integration (CI)?

CI (Continuous Integration) It’s a process integrating code from multiple contributors in a single software project.

It contains three phases of DevOps

  • Code commit
  • Code Build
  • Code Test

5.What is continuous delivery (CD)?

After CI (continuous Integration) tested code should goes for deployment. The tested code be deployed on production quickly and safely.

CD phases

  • Staging
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring

6.How do containers and microservices help DevOps?

Containers is used to deploy microservice. Containers are lightweight and very easy to manage. Normally we use docker container.
For larger deployment we use Kubernetes cluster ( k8s)

7.What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

IaC is like writing code to set up your servers and infrastructure, making it easier to create and manage these resources automatically.

Few IaC tools are

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • Azure ARM template

8.What tools help with Infrastructure as Code?

Using Infrastructure as a Code ( IaC ) , we can deploy infrastructure using script. Few IaC tools are listed here.

  • Terraform
  • AWS Cloud Formation
  • Azure ARM template

9.Why is monitoring important in DevOps?

Monitoring tracks how your software and systems are performing, helping you spot and fix problems before they affect users.
Few monitoring tools: –

  • Nagios
  • Prometheus
  • AWS CloudWatch

10.What is a CI/CD pipeline?

A CI/CD pipeline is an automated process that builds, tests, and deploys code updates, making sure everything works before it goes live.

11.How does DevOps handle security?

DevOps weaves security into every phase from the beginning, a practice known as DevSecOps. This means security checks and measures are built right into the development process, ensuring safety at every step.

12.What are the core ideas of DevOps?

The core ideas are working together, automating tasks, constantly getting feedback, and always looking for ways to improve.

13.How do you maintain quality in DevOps?

By using automated tests, continuous integration, and regular code reviews to catch and fix problems early.

14.What’s the difference between DevOps and Agile?

Agile is methodology. And devops is way of Software deployment.

Agile focuses on flexible, quick development, while DevOps takes that flexibility and adds a focus on automated, fast, and reliable deployment.

15.What skills do DevOps engineers need?

DevOps Engineer needs to know,

  • How code works,
  • Aware about different automation tools,
  • Container, docker and Kubernetes
  • Monitoring tools,
  • Orchestration and Configuration management tools,
  • Cloud Computing
  • Operating System
  • And ensure everything runs smoothly and securely.

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    Amol Shende
    AWS Trainer
    IT Education Centre Placement & Training Institute
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